![]() This post is to present more clarity about mediation and the moon cycle. I was thinking about meditation as I'm in the process of releasing new and Full Moon meditations videos. During that process, it occurred to me some people are uncomfortable with moon meditations. Because of representations in movies and the moon’s connection to witchcraft rituals, people tread cautiously. This is understandable. I used to feel the same way until learned more about meditation. With anything, it is all about intentions. The moon has played a role in our lives since creation. Farmers use the moon to plant our crops and grow our food. In that vein, I can tell you personally, I have noticed a difference between planting according to and in rhythm with the moon cycles. Whether rooting them or planting them plants grow better when I plant according to the moon cycle. I conducted an experiment and noticed a stark difference when I plant in the New Moon as opposed to doing it after the Full Moon. Those planted after the Full Moon barely grew. As opposed to those planted in the New Moon phase. In fact, in one experiment I planted after the Full Moon and some in the next New Moon. The second batch outgrew those planted after the Full Moon. I believe the reason is that those planted after the Full Moon were out of the cycle. This applies to our ideas and intentions as well. I’ll explain more below. ![]() Even wildlife recognizes the rhythms and cycles of the moon. For many, their reproductive cycles follow the moon cycle. This also applies to humans. Have you ever noticed how full the hospitals are in the time surrounding a Full Moon? There are a noticeable difference and increase in the number of children born near the Full Moon. Even though conception may not necessarily coincide with a Full Moon (although some would argue it does) more births come as a result of the expansion and culmination of the moon’s energy. The cycle goes as follows: the New Moon is a period of new beginnings and growth. So, you plant ideas, seeding them like crops in the New Moon through your meditations. You from a balanced place set intentions for your life. A new job, a new home, a business, and even a better you for better relationships, as this is the fertile period of the moon’s cycle. The moon is in a growth period from the New Moon to the Full Moon, considered the waxing period – growth period. Once the Full Moon occurs, the moon is in decline or waning period. So for us, the Full Moon medications are about ground to take stock of our progress. The Full Moon is the moon’s expansion and it also works to expand our consciousness. Think of it also as the illumination of our subconscious desires. How many of you have heard someone say, “oh my God, it's the Full Moon the crazies are coming out.” Or, you have heard something that seemed really obsessive or over the top, and thought it must be a Full Moon. This excessive behavior is a result of the unbalanced and even repressed subconscious desires coming to the surface. I am suggesting we use the moon cycles to our benefit and not allow ourselves to be subconscious “victims” of a natural process. The value of meditations at this time is to bring a balance between our conscious and subconscious desires. As the Full Moon approaches pay attention to how you are feeling. Look at whether or not anything triggers you during that period. If there are, that's okay. Look at it and consider what comes to the surface and take the time to pause and examine it. This is a time to take note of what things you have accomplished. What you have achieved and then work on the reset to bring in the next phase. Farmer’s use the period following the Full Moon to plant underground crops and use this time for weeding. In keeping with that pattern, and liken the underground crops to our subconscious then is a time to rest and clear our minds of what we consider to be weeds. The weeds, if you will have come to the surface during the Full Moon period and now it’s time to clear away what does not serve us. It is a great time to look at what's coming next. Begin preparing and reflecting so you can set new intentions based on that process. It is also great to start new routines in the New Moon and assess them during the Full Moon. If they are not working then adjust them during the next New Moon. If you take time to notice, observe how many fewer people show up to parties, events, etc., when they are scheduled after the Full Moon. Energy levels are lower. You’ll notice your energy levels are lower as well. Again, the time between the Full Moon and New Moon is a time to reflect rest and regroup. There are many examples of what negatively could be happening around the Full Moon and certain practices. This blog is about showing how when working positively with the moon’s cycle you can begin to notice more harmony in your life. As I have put this into practice, I have noticed more balance and even more success in my life. As we observe the animal kingdom we are more able to see how they work with the cycles. It is easier to see it there because it is external. We're supposed to be more advanced than wildlife is even though I'm not so sure we are at times. They relocate their homes according to certain cycles. They hunt according to cycles. They read and observe weather patterns and events and leave areas before a tsunami comes or hurricanes, etc. They follow the flow of what's going on according to the environment and what's around them. So, why don't we take note of that and do that for ourselves? I challenge you to try it for 60 days (2 moon cycles) and observe the changes in your life. A New Moon meditation is about setting your intentions for the month and aspects of your life. Understanding the intentions must not be in conflict or going against someone else’s will. You only have authority over your own life and your behavior. The changes, adjustments and focus should be on you. As you focus on being a better communicator, for example, you will notice communication gets better in those around you. Even if tough decisions have to be made, your attitude about the situation determines your health in it. This is not an exercise of manipulation of the freewill of others. It is about mastering your thoughts, intentions and actions to bring harmony, joy, success and fulfilment in your life. Remember, one of the most important laws of the universe is non-intervention. So, we have no right to interfering with the freewill of another. Our intentions should not be about making a person do a thing we want. It is about clearing, balancing, communicating and living a life that brings to us willingly what is meant for us. Meditation helps come to know what that is more fundamentally. Working with the moon’s cycles is a valuable tool to do just that. Namaste
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